Awoca Best in Show Syrah Pequeñas Producciones 2014
For the second consecutive year, we obtained the highest distinction in the outstanding Annual Wines of Chile Awards, this year the contest was held in Shanghai - China, where our Syrah Pequeñas Producciones 2014 was chosen "Best in Show": best wine of the contest, where more than 560 Chilean wines participated. In addition, this syrah won the [...]
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Decanter Magazine Cabernet Sauvignon
We are proud to announce that in the June issue of Decanter magazine in the United Kingdom, a panel of expert tasters composed of Peter Richards Mw, Jo Ahearne Mw and Dirceu Vianna Jr Mw, ranked our Gran Bosque Private Reserve 2012 as number one in a blind tasting of 86 Cabernet Sauvignon from [...]
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Sauvignon Blanc Tasting Table
The outstanding magazine La Cav, Club Amantes del Vino - Chile, chooses every year the best wine in its category and this year our Sauvignon Blanc Gran Reserva 2013 was chosen the Best Sauvignon Blanc in Chile, obtaining 93 points. Congratulations to the entire Casas del Bosque team for having made this grape variety the best in [...]
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